This social media policy defines the procedures for the creation and use of official 博彩网址大全 social media accounts, 学院的内容审核政策, and guidelines for faculty and staff who represent Carthage on their personal profiles.

Social media offers a valuable platform to showcase the exciting things and exceptional work happening at Carthage, 但它确实存在内在风险. This policy is designed to help Carthage faculty and staff safely and effectively promote Carthage while minimizing potential challenges.  



The Office of 市场营销 and Communications manages and moderates the College’s official social media accounts, 包括博彩网址大全学院的脸谱网, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, 和LinkedIn. Other College-affiliated accounts are managed by Carthage faculty and staff. The following moderation policy is in place for all College-affiliated accounts. 


  • 煽动暴力
  • 含有威胁或伤害意图的
  • 鼓励非法活动
  • 包含骚扰
  • 包含亵渎或淫秽的语言
  • 促进生意或商业交易
  • Specifically promote a candidate campaigning for election
  • Use 博彩网址大全学院的标志s for unauthorized endorsements

博彩网址大全 and account administrators may choose at any time to limit posts and comments to topics relevant to a specific group’s purpose.

Carthage reserves the right to also remove “spam” or other off-topic comments.


  • All social media accounts created on behalf of 博彩网址大全 must be linked to a email account, never a personal email account.
  • All accounts must have two full-time Carthage employees as administrators.
  • College employees and representatives who post on behalf of the institution must be mindful at all times of promoting the College’s mission.
  • Keep personal views separate from College posts. 代表博彩网址大全学院发帖时, ensure that the contents of your post will further the College’s mission and reflect positively on Carthage as a whole.
  • 保留任何非博彩网址大全(关闭), 取消, 紧急情况, news) confidential until it has been officially announced by 博彩网址大全 on the College’s main social media accounts. 
  • Official social media accounts must adhere to Carthage’s 视觉表现标准.
  • All social media accounts affiliated with Carthage must share passwords and other login credentials with 奥利维亚走错 in the Office of 市场营销 and Communications and all account administrators.
  • Anytime a password is changed, all account administrators and 奥利维亚走错 必须通知.
  • It is highly recommended that all passwords must be changed once a semester and all account administrators and 奥利维亚走错 必须通知.
  • Institutional accounts should not promote personal accounts and should be relevant to the account’s stated purpose.
  • All pages need to respect the copyrights and intellectual property rights of others. 
  • Be thoughtful in decisions to like, follow, or engage with other non-Carthage affiliated accounts. 
  • Avoid engaging in behavior that could raise a conflict of interest. 
  • 运用良好的判断力. 

Each account must have an identified primary and backup administrator. If one of these positions is vacant, a new account administrator must be identified. Account administrators and backup administrators must ensure that any former user no longer has access to the site and must update the registration information with the Office of 市场营销 and Communications. 联系 奥利维亚走错 with the account’s new password and new administrator name and title.


博彩网址大全学院不负责, 既不支持也不反对, comments posted on its various social media platforms.

正如《博彩平台网址大全》所述, the only people who can officially speak on behalf of the College are the President and his/her/their designee, and the Vice President for 市场营销 and Communications and his/her/their designee.

Personal/Professional Social Media Interaction Guidelines
Individuals who identify themselves as 博彩网址大全 faculty or staff within their personal social media use (e.g., 个人博客, LinkedIn页面或个人资料, X帐户, or 脸谱网 profile) are encouraged to practice the following:

  • 清楚地认识到你是谁.
  • Make it clear that the views expressed are your own.
  • Consider using a standard disclaimer: “The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of 博彩网址大全.”
  • Do not speak on behalf of the College or portray yourself as a spokesperson for the institution.
  • Remember that you are responsible for what you post and are subject to the Carthage Code of Conduct.
  • 所有员工都受FERPA的约束, HIPAA, and other laws mandating the nondisclosure of personal information.
  • When representing the College, be mindful of all spelling and grammar.

There are unofficial social media accounts with Carthage in their name that are not managed by 博彩网址大全 employees. Any content published by a member of the Carthage community that includes the College is subject to the 博彩网址大全 Code of Conduct.

This social media policy was last updated on August 7, 2024.